July 27, 2019
My dearest Bella
You were my best friend. You were the best dog anyone could ask for. You made me smile, you licked my tears, you made my heart whole. Thank you for being there for me throughout the years. I couldn’t of made it without you. You gave me unconditional love, you were our protector and for that I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will forever hold a place in my heart. I love you my Baba. Mommy xoxo
2002 – 2018
It’s been months since you left us but we still miss you. Although the we know that you are now free of pain and running with your mom and dad and Charlie, we still wish that you were all still here with us.
Love mom and dad. And your cottage family, Stephanie and Kevin.
Dorthe Hansen Sullivan
March 2, 2019
On March 2, 2019, we lost a precious member of our family. Rudy had a unique personality and was a huge presence in our lives even though he was just a little guy. If he wasn’t sharing his love with lots of kisses or lying along side one of us enjoying a nap he was quietly listening to all our troubles and making us feel better. Rudy’s time with us was too short but the love shared is timeless.
Minnie Meyer
August 2011 to Feb 2019
We have lost our sweet and dear loving Minn
Mustang Meyer. She was battling cancer the last few months.
Minnie, you were a very special friend and companion.
Thank you very much for coming into our lives and enriching us every day.
We will always remember you in our hearts. We all miss you very much.
– Your Daddy and Mommy (Scott and Anna) and your brothers (Mortimer and Mickey)
February 23, 2019
There are relationships and bonds we form in this world that none can replace.
Füli and we had such a relationship; while we love all dogs, big and small, Füli was the one who chose us nearly 12 years ago and came to be our best friend.
Through thick and thin, he has been our anchor and the love of our lives. We were his everything and he was ours.
When we think of him, we think not of the last few weeks or months; we think of years of happiness and not knowing anything but him as a center of our family.
Füli was the picture of happiness: as long as with his pack, walking, coming back to his nest where he could keep an eye on us and share in our meals, he was fully content.
But nowhere was he happier than at the Arboretum, running free, sniffing away, meeting new friends and simply enjoying nature to its fullest.
Füli has left this world, but he has not left us. Always in our hearts, always part of our lives, he remains our love now and always.
We will meet again, my love !
Nora and Louis
October 9, 2018
Though it’s been months, I still have tears in my eyes and a catch in my throat the size of an apple as I write this.
Duke exemplifies why I believe what I do. The fact that he was canine makes no difference, as all beings have souls and spirits, and boy was his special.
When he arrived at our house he was a mess, a stray from the streets of Gatineau. How he ended up as a stray is beyond me. Despite the many physical ailments plaguing him, his kind spirit shone through. There was no way he was going to die on our watch. His chest cold was so bad that he sounded like a 100 year old smoker. The first few nights I stayed on the couch with him, terrified he’d stop breathing.
A lot of TLC, good food, and eventual surgeries to remove broken teeth, an unknown lump and get him fixed and he was a different dog. He also bonded with his brother Prince & the two became as inseparable as real brothers.
Something else extremely special began to occur. This wonderful soul became in tune to my feelings, and began to ensure I was protected and cared for. When Prince died suddenly, we were both shocked, and solidified an unbreakable bond that was obvious to all. He was my constant companion, helped me grieve and became my ESA companion. He facilitated many trips I wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise.
When we got our little fireball called Cocoa, he immediately embraced the role of big brother. He was loving, protective and infinitely patient. Pouncing and wacks with large toys were all tolerated by what could only be called a human sign.
When he became ill, he received great care at Blair Animal Hospital, the Ottawa Emergency Hospital and he was at DMV Veterinary Center in Montreal awaiting surgery when he passed away suddenly. For his sake, I’m glad it was sudden and painless, and not after an invasive surgery. But for me, it’s left me devastated, with a void that will never be filled.
I love you Dukie Duke & I will never forget you or stop loving you. You are gone but never forgotten.
November 5, 2018
In August, 2001 my daughter was attending a summer day camp when the Humane Society of Ottawa visited the camp. One of the animals they brought was named Maggie, a 3 year old stray; my daughter instantly fell in love with her. The next day when my wife and I went to the Humane Society, the attendant handed me a tiny black ball of fur; Maggie tucked her head under my chin and purred, she had found a new home.
For the last 17+ years she has been a valued member of our family. She was everyone’s cat, and shared “lap time” with the three of us. Several years later, when my daughter left for university, and th
en to work in another city, at night Maggie would often meow and force us to take a tour of her room, letting us know she was missing. My daughter and Maggie had a special bond.
In late October, Maggie knew her time was drawing near and it seemed she was telling me she wanted to see her “sister” one more time to say goodbye. Our daughter came home in time and our family was reunited for one last weekend. Time caught up with Maggie the next day.
Thanks to the Blackburn Animal Hospital and Paws at Rest for taking care of our Maggie. Our family has lost a dear member and our home seems empty without you. We miss you, and you will always live on in our hearts.
Love from your family